Z racji GeeCONa jest kilka imprez o których warto wiedzieć.
Steve Poole pokazuje jak hackować IOT via Bluemix
The Internet of Things – is it really that easy? Bring your laptop and your smart phone or tablet with internet connection and see for yourself.
In this hack event we’ll explain the basics behind IoT, why it really is changing the world and help you get started on your IoT journey.
We’ll help you build a IoT prototype, link it to some cool services on IBM’s Bluemix PaaS like Watson, MQTT, Twilio, Twitter or even one of your own API’s
Haskell, nauka dla początkujących
For non-Polish speakers:
Flowbox DATA kindly organizes a Haskell-teaching course. Since our cooperation goes back to Flowbox FX, and since it’s Haskell (hello!) we’re signing up! Course is split in 10 parts, this is the first. Learn yourself some Haskell for your greater good! ;-)